目前分類:2010 春訓筆記 (8)

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“You teach me baseball and I'll teach you relativity. No, we must not. You will learn about relativity faster than I learn baseball.” – Albert Einstein


『你教我棒球,然後我來教你相對論;不對,還是不要好了,學會相對論肯定比起我學棒球還快。』 - 愛因斯坦

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"A catcher and his body are like the outlaw and his horse. He's got to ride that nag till it drops." – Johnny Bench

『一個捕手和他的身體,就像是西部牛仔和他的馬,他只能一直騎,騎到他再也撐不住為止。』 - 強尼‧班屈

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“To a pitcher, a base hit is the perfect example of negative feedback.” – Steve Hovley


『對投手來說,對手的安打是負面回應的最佳範例。』 - 史提夫‧霍佛利

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“I have no idea of what the rotation might be ... Ask me tomorrow.” - Ozzie Guillen


『我完全不知道我們的投手輪值是什麼......明天再問我。』 - 奧茲‧吉恩

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"You don't save a pitcher for tomorrow. Tomorrow it may rain." – Leo Durocher


『沒必要為明天的比賽保留投手。明天說不定會下雨。』 - 里歐‧杜洛舍

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"The key to winning baseball games is pitching, fundamentals, and three-run homers." – Earl Weaver


『贏球的關鍵是投球、基本動作、還有三分全壘打。』 - 厄爾‧威佛

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"If you don't think baseball is a big deal, don't do it. But if you do, do it right." – Tom Seaver


『如果你覺得棒球沒甚麼了不起,那就別打球;如果你真的重視它,就好好打。』 – 湯姆‧西佛

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"People who write about spring training not being necessary have never tried to throw a baseball." – Sandy Koufax


『那些寫說春訓不重要的人,肯定一輩子都沒投過球。』 – 山迪‧柯法斯

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